

If you have any questions about the group, please feel free to contact us.

More information about chapters of Sisters in Crime is available on the Sisters in Crime website.

Local Chapters

More Info

We're looking for speakers so if you're a mystery author traveling through the state (or if you'd just like to come visit us), please let us know. We're right at the junction of I-80 & I-35 so we might be on your way to somewhere you're already going!

Also, if you're planning a book signing in the area be sure to let us know. We'd love to share information about your event with our members.

Sisters in Crime - Iowa

Member Benefits - Sisters in Crime

Newsletter - Quarterly
SinC Links - Monthly
Social Networking
National Listserv including Mentor Monday
Special Conference Programs/Member Discounts
National Presence at ALA and PLA
Publishers Summit Reports
Monitoring Project
Publishers Alley 70% Discount to Members
Author Listing on
Event Grants
Bookclub Database
SinC Books - Breaking and Entering: The Road to Success